by Deborah K. Tash

Artwork Description

Ancestor Song In Green

0.0 x 0.0

Mixed media painting with Eucalyptus seeds, collage and tags 18" x 24" Print Available Ancestor Song In Green The mask of the ancestor song Sits waiting in green Gessoed and spectral as death It serves to connect with a past Morphed beyond memory Becoming a portal into awakening Bark, leaves and seed Eucalyptus signature will claim Spirit voices emerging From the unseen depths Surrounding daily life Ghosts and shadows waiting acknowledgement Ancestors gather as stones Their voices riding on the wind Calling for attention to details Inherent in every prayer Thanksgiving for what is already True lessons of manifestation The magicks of sorceress and wizard Found at the behest of the Owl Sink gently into Source Drawing power from the Cosmos Beauty fashioning every intention Of gratitude and appreciation The mask waiting in green Unravels fear and reticence This spirit door located in cellular memory Nestles in bark, leaves and seed To dance the sacred spiral Unlocking all reverence for the ancestors 28FEB15 TASH © 

Artwork Details

Medium: Mixed Media
