by kristo Nicolas

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Agoueh Lord of the Seas. Agoueh, also known as Agwe A Royo, is the first child of the second series of offsprings of Damballah, the father of the gods, with the Upper Waters. Admiral' Agwe, just like Poseidon or Neptune is the protector of all ships on the sea. Agwe sired a daughter with Miryame, an Ethiopian woman. The daughter, named Imanou, was captured by the Egyptians, and sacrificed to their god Taurus. The name Imanou was inscribed on Agwe’s boat to immortalize her memory. Agwe also sired another daughter, Ursule, with Erzuli Freda, goddess of love, and wife of Ogou Badagri, one of the gods of war. In a paradox for the Lwas, Ursule was drowned in the ocean. A death caused by Aida Wedo, wife of Damballah, rival of Erzuli Freda. For Erzuli Freda is loved by all the gods.

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