by Ione Citrin

Artwork Description


0.0 x 0.0

36" high x 30" wide pastel on paper Gweniviere loved going barefoot in the grass. There was a large area outside her castle, filled with flowers and grasses of all sorts. She would ride her trusty steed far out into the plains and hills and the two of them would cavort in the sunshine and beauty of a summer day. Some days a young lad from a neighboring castle would ride by and their eyes would catch. He looked as powerful as the black horse he rode. Completely controlling and dominate. She didn't know who he was, or what family estate he belonged to, or how to find out anything about him, so she satisfied herself with coming to this patch of green next to the trail and waiting for him to trot by every day that summer. Then the summer cooled and passed and the cold weather arrived. When the heavy snows came Gweniviere couldn't take her daily ride any more. She patiently waited for spring, and yielding trails. Spring finally arrived and with great expectation she out to see if he would appear again. She waited all day, then all the next day. The summer slowly passed. He never showed again. He remained only as a dream; a handsome sight on a beautiful horse in the sunshine of her youth.

Artwork Details

