by Victor Arseni

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Orthodox Moldova - the keeper and a defender of the spiritual heritage of the Great Byzant.

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The people of the country of Moldova and Moldovans or Moldavian principality were created by God to protect Orthodoxy and Christianity in particular, it shows a lot of glorious feats of Moldovans in defense of the Christian Orthodox faith. And the very appearance of this people and this country in the XIV century as a revolt of people united by tradition Orthodox Byzantine Empire, against the imposition of Catholicism, the Hungarian Kingdom, which led to the emergence of Moldovans and Moldova. Historians and writers have different ways people have described this, but noted the special power of faith Moldovans. (Remarkably describes the history of the Moldovan people Dimitri Cantemir in the book "Description of Moldova" 1727.) When, after the fall of Byzantium in 1453, the Orthodox world loses its center, and supports, namely Moldova, headed by the ruler Stephen III the Great (who ruled from 1457 to 1504) provides vital support for Athos, whose value rises to the level Pillar of Orthodoxy - the moment he was in dire straits. During this period, Moldova was a vassal of Turkey, but the Ruler of Moldova Stephen III the Great used his influence to save Athos - he gave the Moldovan lands to replace those that were captured by the Turks. Stephen used the wealth of Moldova in order to maintain the Athos monasteries. Particular attention is paid Stephen restore shrines in Mount Athos. Thus, as a result of research, it was found that it was Stephen in the XV century monastery revived Zograf. He built a cathedral church, a marina, a refectory. He handed over the power of the Moldavian monasteries Zograf Capriana and Dobrovets. One of the main relics of the monastery was Zograf banner of Stefan the Great, according to legend, made by his daughter Elena. On the banner depicts St. George - the patron and protector of the Moldavian Ruler. In 1472, Stephen built a tower in the monastery of Vatopedi, where preserved bas-relief depicting the Ruler and his coat of arms. Stephen built the aqueduct, the baptismal at the monastery of St.. Paul. Stephen also restored the buildings of the monastery of St.. Paul. For all his gifts and achievements, he was styled second churchwarden of the monastery. In 1992, the Romanian Orthodox Church canonized Stephen in the face of the saints, the memory takes place July 2. Video:

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