Renato Caravaggio

Renato Caravaggio

About The Artist

420 is GooD, but 423 is BliSSFuLLy BeTTER. The Fast Man isn't Fast, Cause He's Already GONE. You can't have the Celebrity without the KiLLeR. What's my name? Ah yea okay. Renato Caravaggio, Creative Genius - Sexual Master. CELEBRiTY KiLLeR - Straight Outta The GUN TiLL The End Never COMES. Creator of PaiNFuLdiSE - Runner OF The Galaxy Beyond The Firmament - The Galaxies With No NAMES/identities unLESS i SAY, and The Territories with No LANGUAGES - The Galaxy within the inVisible “BLaCK HOLE” - The ColoRFuL WoRLDs that TELEPORT they’re entire HEMiSPHER’s filled with Unlimited Galactic unknown and MysticalAncientNEWLY BREWED CREATiVE ResourcePOWERS, you have to have a really nice ass for admittance, and a personalized engraved CELEBRiTY KiLLER GODDESS oF aLL GODDESSES GOLDEN - New School oLD School mY School Her School SHE THE SCHOOL of LEVELS THE LEVELS and UNLiMiTED ABOVES and BeYONDS, and NO you are not Talented unLess i say, and yes i can change my mind before a FLASH - The secret UNiVERSE that i he me CREATED creating that does NOT exist but dOES…. Ma Ma Ma MORE….MORE….MORE…………………….. and any and aLL further details ERASED. Original Movie Concepts, Television shows, Original song lyrics and or concepts for sale on Renato Caravaggio's SuCCuBuS - THE GAME oF TAKE FiLm TriLogy and BOOK is currently in development. With such mystical SuCCuBuS Characters as GoLD BuLLion, The Ostrich Fairy, The Venezuelan Princess, Ms. Eccentric Likes To Wear Boot Gloves, Silky iCe KiLLeR, The Hair Queen and the Muscle From The TOP. 8 New SuCCuBuS Character's have been created by Renato for his Feature FiLm TriLogy and Book titled SuCCuBuS - THE GAME oF TAKE. The following SuCCuBuS Character’s are as followed. 1. ManuKa HONEY - From Australia New Zealand. The Healer and Supreme Caster oF SpeLLS. Queen oF aLL SuCCuBuS Honey Bee's. She's the only who possesses all forms and unknowns, such as the highest level and or levels of Royal Yemeni Sidr Cave Honey from Yemen, located in Southwest Asia, at the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula. Fairy Honey otherwise known as Elvish Honey from the mountains of Saricayir Dagi Artvin province Turkey. DARK Madagascar HONEY from a tree in the sea somewhere over Muncy Allegheny Blood Bee's. Maple Canadian Mermaid Honey from Ames Nova Scotia Atlantis. And GaLacTic Honey's from the ColorFuL WorLD's that teleport they're entire hemisphere's. Manuka HONEY has strong ties to The GoDDeSS oF aLL GoDDeSSeS GoLD BuLLion. But even though SHE is The HeaLer oF aLL HeaLer's and The Supreme Caster oF aLL SpeLLS. She is also an Esteemed Assassin when called upon. For her finishing PoWeR's are not only untold but flawless. And she will always aDD to her own personal collection of what makes her sO mysterious and BEAUTiFUL, with her Fluorescent Pink Va Jay Jay and a KaLa KaLamaZoo. CeLebrity KiLLeR. 2. GAGNANTE - She's a No CoLoR DeviL with a No CoLoR TonGue. Who knows what ta say and how ta pLaYsAY. Unlike any Female Chameleon Tongued Queen before her, she's the one who know's how ta make em DREAM within the seams while flowing through her reaListic, Continue on oR Reyno, Gimmie Gimmie that info inCepTion, Trip Trip, Sequence Sequence, Movie Scenes. CeLebrity KiLLeR. 3. 10 TiMeS - She can DO what ever their is - want - needs - desire's 10 TiMeS. The Same Way, Different Way's, 10 WiSHe's, o yEA that wouLd be seXuaLLy briLLiant with her. But when that 39 HouR CLOCK ends, 10 TiMeS reset's for her SuCCuBuS Mythology'z to begin again'z again'z again'z. 10 TiMeS has never fallen in LOVE. But one day her plot may thicken. OnLy The Evdi knows what happens then. CeLebrity KiLLeR. 4. RED ViaNEY - She’s a no Strumpet, aLwAYS on Vacations. Keeper of aLL those yOUNG aSpiRe ASSA’S SSA’Sin’S. To be be be, for onLy He He He. And those kick starters are not only gonna do what i say, they…gonna…SuRpRiSE…ME…. and i Cream PuFF Heaven oVa SuR SuR SuR..prises… What you want baby? Send eR uP uP UP ta the next LeVeL. CeLebrity KiLLeR. 5. MiLaRT JANET - Highly Medical. Related to the ONE they caLL GoDDeSS or Queen Bee’s? O yEA She’s SeXy & the results are in. For he..really..does.. know how ta process that info when Experience-Learned-instinct-Given. A Shifty Wise Russian once said. “No GooD DeeD GoeS Unpunished.” And that Shifty Wise Russian was right. No GooD DeeD sO and sO dOeS Go Unpunished. Cause i’m BACK. BacK through …Time… Reading those, “BEST ANSWER” “BEST ANSWER oNLY”, and excellent KaRma. yEA i piCKed the riGHT ONE. And that’s what happens when ya let the TalenT cOMe …CuM… FirST FirST FirST. Written into SuCCuBuS MythoLogy. O no She’s Never Gonna Work unLess she wants. Rewarded for aLL and beyond aLL known & unknown times. CeLebrity KiLLeR. 6. RK Charade otherwise known as Shit HoUSE - Truck Driver Hot. No i ain’t sayin she’s a Truck Driver. I’m sayin she’s Truck Driver Hot. sO i’z eye’s i’z eye’s a put er on aLL mY whO WheRE “Shit House Expeditions.” As you already know i don’t Like Shit House. But she goes on aLL mY THE Shit House Ma Ma Ma Ma Missions. Where the out come and or out Cum’s aRe complete and utterly POintLess, reMotely Nuclear Freezing 3 River Winds. End result/results always being the same. hER demise. 4 SHE onLy has 2 choices in infinite repetition. Nuclear Freezing Shit HoUSE 3 Rivers RePEAT, oR neVER exist, including them rOOTS. yEA aLL of em biTCH. Don’t…YOU…eVa do what ya diD ta ME, or anyONE, eVER…aGAin. nOW youR ShiT HoUSE ForeVeR. CeLebrity KiLLeR. 7. ULpta - No description. Never wiLL be. CeLebrity KiLLeR. 8. 3 4 - No description Never WiLL be. But this bitch is dangerous. Most dangerous of em aLL. The onLy who can contest GoLD BuLLion and ManuKa HONEY. But i oWNzZ a… 3 4 nOW a’, yEA that's right i speak em aLLzZ a aLLzZ a yea yea i know how ta spread em open. Hemorrhaging with sensationaL anticipation, upon sEEing 3 4 again with mY i i’s, aLwAYS remember ta use those LowER case i’s, i’s, i’s, REYNO CREDEV EVDi. wE goNNA hAVE an Exceptionally XceLLenT 3 3, 3 4 time time, hER hER, hER & i i i. CeLebrity KiLLeR. Below is ONE of the poetic versions of ONE of my real life Succubus stories. Succubus - The Game Of Take Trilogy - Volume 1. Of Infinite Divinity brought us together. Her name was Dezarae The Demon aka The Desired One. She was divinely beautiful yet extremely vulgar in every way. Was I her next Wanting Victim or was I Worthy? Her green eyes took me for a long ride through the night and into the light. Cupid hesitated before shooting an arrow through her decaying heart. With the fury of a thousand ancient whore’s she wailed. She then seduced the unwarranted egos of all the green leafs around me. My ability to perform quickly faded. I found myself losing to much lesser opponents. Would i let Dezarae The Demon destroy me? And if so, would this prove my love for her is true? The Succubus Queen otherwise known as the Succubus Of The Light whispered softly through the night. “Rise… finish him.” Dezarae ignored the ominous command. The Queen’s whisper grew louder. “Rise Dezarae The Desired One, Finish Him”. One final moment of innocences swirled through our veins. Dezarae sharply looked into my eyes then vanished. Where was she? I couldn’t see anything. I couldn’t see myself. Was I floating? From a million light years away their was a Beaming Hypnotizing Glow. A slow tear drop drizzled from my eye. Was I ever to see her again? I paused for a moment, then like a fearless warrior i yelled, ‘KILL ME!! GO AHEAD!! DO IT!! KILL ME DEAD!! And so she did. Over and over it was all so dark the terrible things. Do I still love Dezarae The Demon aka The Desired One? NO, always and for infinity, for she is my Succubus and this is the ongoing true story of The Game Of Take. So say’s The Creator. Creator of Original Succubus Characters such as the one and only GOLD BULLION AUGUST AMES THE GODDESS OF ALL GODDESSES, the Venezuelan Princes, The TRansFormer, The Ostrich Fairy, Dezarae The Demon aka The Desired One, The Silky Ice Killer, Ms. Eccentric Likes To Wear Boot Gloves, Bang Bang Boogie, Reyno Credev Evdi, The Senorita MooCheri, CAUSE HER NAME WAS ROLLA, ROLLA COSTA, and MANY MANY MORE... MORE... MORE... So Say's THE CREATOR. Ronnie, Renato, Reyno Credev Evdi CARAVAGGIO RC.