About The Artist

Everytime I start a new work, I am curious to see what will emerge. The process is unpredictable, as is the result. It is a continuous source of enjoyment to play with shapes and colors. I use acrylic paint on canvas. The colors are applied as blobs, stripes and splashes. Sometimes I work in shades, sometimes contrasting colors. I mix the colors on the canvas, using a broom, spatula, sponge, whatever. I let the painting and colors work, and see what comes up. Then I grasp it, work it further, and shape it. We cooperate, the painting and I. Painting since 1999. Exhibition in Denmark, at galleries and art societies. Exhibition in New York, Agora Gallery. 2015 DAS - Digital Art Show Case- in Tokyo 2015, and Oxford 2016, with GAA www.liselykke.com lise@liselykke.com