Angelika Chasiotou

Angelika Chasiotou

About The Artist

BIO RESUME: Chasiotou Angelika was born 1979year. 1988-1994 years - student at an early age at the children Art school in Tashkent . 1996-2001 years - Graduated from the Republikan Art Colledge under the Academy of Art's of Tashkent Uzbekistan. 2007years - in Academy of Art University. EXEBITION: 1992 year -I took part in international competition of painting from the Ministry of Education GREECE, and was rewarded with diploma. 1998 year- I have presented my tablein the international competition under the aegis of company WINSOR&NEWTON (UK LONDON). 1998 year- have presentation of my painting in Bolgaria. 1999 year- have presentation of my painting in Turke. 2000 year -I made presentation of my painting in the report of Art Academy of Uzbekistane. 2003year- I made presentation of my painting «YOUNG TALENT» under the aegis of Academy of Arts. 2006 year - I have presented my painting in Sketeb of Greece. 2008year - I have presented my painting in Ispain. The art concoures of Ruize Aznare. 2008 year- I have presented my painting in eco Festival krousia . 2009year- Ihave presented my painting in Russa. 2013year- Ihave presented my painting in «C’est la vie. Opencall» Vena. 2013year-I have presented my painting in «Hakim Karimoviche Mirzaahmedove and studentes» 2013 year -Solo exebitione in China. 2013 year- The exebitione in India. 2014 year - The exebitione in Brazil. 2015year-The biennale in Italy.2015year-Personal exebitione in New-York.USA.2016 year- The exebitione in Sweden 2016 year- The exebitione in Switzerland.2016 year- The Art-week in Londone.2017year-The exebitione in St.Peterburg.Russia 2017year-The exebitione Londone.