Alwin Jackson

Alwin Jackson

About The Artist

Born and raised in Carmel, CA, I'm an artist in Atlanta who does large-scale oil paintings on canvas, the full collection is at BA in Design/Graphic Arts from Pepperdine University, Malibu. Art exhibits 1986-1990 transitioned to 20-year ad career (1990-2010) Creative director, Boston, New York, Bangkok, Austin TX and Atlanta – at ad agencies: Ogilvy & Mather, BBDO, Arnold Worldwide and GSD&M. Created campaigns for Guinness, Pepsi, AT&T and BMW. But in 2010, I finally quit the ad biz to pursue creativity without approval committees. But more so, to leave capitalism and do what's most important to me: helping protect earth from the hand of man. Mainly at factory farms where mother cows see their calves ripped away from them at one-day-old to have their throats slit while fully conscious, just so someone in a fancy restaurant can order veal. My passion to stop such satanic behavior is what gets me out of bed. And since painting is the one thing I do pretty well, it's the best way I can help. My profits support the animal defense groups who do the actual work. And I keep just enough for my own food and shelter. Oh, and to buy paint and canvases :-)