About The Artist

I was born on December 16, 1966, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I begun to paint in my adolescence and at sixteen years of age I took classes with the artist Jose Amore. There has been two fundametal things that marked my personality and artistic style; one is music and the other being born in a country where during my childhood and adolecense there was a military government who did not respect human rights. This left a necessity of expression for liberty. In 1985, I begun to study in the National School of Arts Prilidiano Pueyrredon, where I graduated as a drawing, painting, and art history teacher. In 1990, I participated in several group and individual exhibitions in the Palais de Glace, in the Cultural Center Parque Chacabuco, and others. I worked as an art teacher in Colegio Esteban Echeverria, Colegio del Arce, and others. Today, I am a member of Amnesty International, I work on several series regarding human rights, and also paint murals from a wide variety in the current city where I live.