Carol Kleinman

Carol Kleinman

About The Artist

About The Artist: You may find Carol Kleinman with her camera on the streets of Paris, New York, Honolulu, Moscow or Los Angeles staring at windows. She is on a treasure hunt to photograph and document the many layers of reality she finds in reflections. Each reflection she captures is a moment in time – a bit of reality that exists for a second on a reflective surface. Kleinman’s images have a sense of other-worldliness as surfaces fracture into layers, exposing details of the world and relationships that escape the glance of the casual eye. Kleinman’s romance with reflections began over 20 years ago in Russia on the train from Moscow to St. Petersburg to be exact. The reflections she saw on the train windows exposed the many layers of life, one on top of the other -- people in the train, the Russian countryside, the cold steel of the dining car. These reflected images, one of top of the other, spoke to her of deeper realities that lie below the surface of our everyday lives. She took out her camera and started shooting. Since that time, Kleinman has become absorbed in reflections. She has developed unique techniques to reveal the natural interplay of the multiple visual aspects of the world that present themselves in unique moments in time. Kleinman works entirely with single images. She never combines exposures or uses Photoshop. What you see in her images are the reflections she saw in "real life". Kleinman prints exclusively on canvas to create unique works that blur the line between photography and painting, works that challenge the viewer to get lost in a moment and discover the mysterious and important realities that are so often overlooked in our fast-paced world. Born in Hawaii, Kleinman spent her formative years on the island of Oahu and in San Francisco. She attended the University of Hawaii where she received a BA, completed her graduate studies at Claremont College with a MA and a Fine Art Teaching Credential. Kleinman currently is on the Board of TAG Gallery at Bergamot Station, a member of Woman Painter's West and Los Angeles Art Association, Gallery 825. She taught at the American Woman's Assn., Moscow and the International Women's Assn., Moscow. Her work has been recognized and awarded in several exhibitions in Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Palm Desert, Seattle, Washington D.C. and Moscow, Russia. Online Galleries and Video Interview at: Contact: - 310.775.7766