Kerry-Fleur Schleifer

Kerry-Fleur Schleifer

About The Artist

I was born and raised in London, UK. From my toddler years I was the dancing, singing, acrobatic entertainer when the moon shone and an introverted mystery when it didn't. I have always painted and made drawings until I joined Parsons School for design in NYC when my head consumed so many questions and my brush was paralysed. I then found wings of inspiration in the singing open mics around town and began to give myself to the public through pure emotive improvisation. This all developed for a while whilst I studied holistic massage and Ki energy treatments & life coaching and a whole lot of personal development courses. I found I never really sank into any home, any work, world, or psychological habitat. The ethereal world mirrors me best yet I treasure earthly matters and am fascinated by the bridge from energy to solid.