Manfred Loimer

Manfred Loimer

About The Artist

Manfred Loimer, born 1946 in Innsbruck, lived since 1972 as a freelance painter in innsbruck, elementary school Gymansium, bookseller exam, advertising assistant, short visit of the Academy of Fine Arts, publicity and promotion of various concert agencies, freelance contributor to the cultural editor of a newspaper, draw on Anatomical Institute, joint work with Prof.Krautgasser, participation in courses of the painting school in Innsbruck-,fachschule für angewandte malerei und kunst, permanent painting and drawing, member of the Association for the Advancement of Contemporary Art, Galerie Club der Begegung. Loimer, determined to be a mannerist by his pictorial-technical system and his being, lived-artistically-in a conflict between the psychic coincidence and the thought apparatus of his brain, which manifests itself alternately in the unconscious or in the mental, sustained by one incalculable dynamics. This conflict makes up the liveliness and graphic aesthetic appeal of Loimer's paintings. The color, shape, line and person of the artist-his personal handwriting-enter into an interdisciplinary play of forces, a whole emerges, and yet again something draining away, a peculiar, incomprehensible world becomes conscious to the art-observer in this painting. Loimer chose as material for his generous-powerful painting predominantly the human-any, not a specific one. In this way, his pictures become an allegory about the profane existence. Frequently Loimer wrote small poems about his paintings. Manfred Loimer died on 01.06.1995 MANFRED LOIMER EXHIBITIONS 1973 gallery concave in Innsbruck Austria, 1975 gallery-asphalt-smallest gallery in the world in New York Times , innsbruck austria, 1980 art shop unterberger in innsbruck austria, 1980 chamber of commerce kitzbühel in austria, 1981 gallery rinaldo, rotta milan and genoa in italy , 1981 Landeskulturzentrum Linz in Austria, 1982 Landeskulturzentrum Linz in Austria, 1983 Gallery of the city of St. pölten in austria, 1983 gallery ynnsprugger workshop in austria ,, 1983 innsbruck innsbruck in austria, 1984 gallery alpachtal europahaus in austria, 1984 gallery ynnsprugger workshop, 1984 postgalerie-fieberbrunn in austria, 1984 gallery europahaus in austria, 1984 maria theresien gallery in innsbruck in austria, 1985 state cultural center linz in austria, 1985 architecture office reuter in innsbruck in austria, exhibition at bank tiroler sparkasse,1988 mussee ste poitiers, österreichisches kulturinstitut paris,1992 galerie bonell zürich,1993 ausstellung an der EG kommision brüssel,1993 ausstellung am fennerareal many bank purchases, wine labels -weingut josef loimer langlois in austria, exhibitions in italy, france, liechtenstein,, 1990 gallery haas vaduz principality of liechtenstein, 1988 spectrum in france, 1988 exhibition in paris.rennes-toulouse, poitiers, 1990 exhibition kunstrasse in innsbruck austria, 1990 exhibition at home in the apartment, exhibition in the french culture institute paris, exhibitions in the country and abroad, purchases from the city innsbruck, country tyrol republic Austria, Upper Austrian landesmuseum, Lower Austrian landesmuseum, landesmuseum Ferdinandeum in Innsbruck in Austria, various banks, insurance, , many private collectors in domestic and abroad,mitglied salzburger kunstverein. Manfred Loimer was a prominent artist of his time. He managed to develop a style that brought together multiple artistic styles and philosophical ideologies. Undoubtedly, one of the most fascinating aspects of his artistic exploration was the abstract representation of thoughts originating from the mind. His introspective style left little room for the superfluous, emphasizing dedicated and intense research. Manfred depicted thoughts through abstract works in which color played a fundamental role. Chromatic energies and their intensity became an exceptional means of conveying his messages. Simultaneously, the geometric element became Manfred's preferred medium. Manfred Loimer's works amalgamate various artistic styles of the 20th-century avant-gardes, including Kandinsky's abstractionism, Picasso's cubism, Mondrian, and de Kooning's abstract expressionism. These chromatic explosions evoke mental chaos, creativity, and the potency of ideas. They represent a meticulously crafted synthesis that, honestly, I believe deserves careful study. Another distinctive element is Loimer's calligraphy, which becomes an integral part of his canvases and drawings—stylized drawings that are of immense interest. His collection is exceptionally rich, encompassing abstract and figurative canvases, as well as drawings, all of which exemplify his profound dedication and immense love for art. Within these pages, we have chosen to focus on the abstract works—pieces of significant interest that demonstrate how abstract chromatic combinations breathe life into masterpieces. Diese chromatischen Explosionen rufen geistiges Chaos, Kreativität und die Kraft von Ideen hervor. Sie stellen eine sorgfältig ausgearbeitete Synthese dar, die meiner Meinung nach eine sorgfältige Untersuchung verdient. Ein weiteres charakteristisches Element ist Loimers Kalligraphie, die zu einem integralen Bestandteil seiner Leinwände und Zeichnungen wird – stilisierte Zeichnungen, die von großem Interesse sind. Seine Sammlung ist außergewöhnlich reichhaltig und umfasst abstrakte und figurative Leinwände sowie Zeichnungen, die alle seine tiefe Hingabe und immense Liebe zur Kunst veranschaulichen. Auf diesen Seiten haben wir uns entschieden, uns auf die abstrakten Werke zu konzentrieren – Stücke von besonderem Interesse, die zeigen, wie abstrakte Farbkombinationen Meisterwerken Leben einhauchen. Artwork "Untitled" is a work on paper in which an abstract form becomes the subject of the piece. The body takes shape through the interplay of blue and purple tones. The artist's signature, which I believe should be preserved in the annals of art history, is clearly visible and becomes an inseparable part of the artwork. Kunstwerk „Untitled“ ist eine Arbeit auf Papier, bei der eine abstrakte Form zum Thema der Arbeit wird. Der Körper nimmt durch das Zusammenspiel von Blau- und Lilatönen Gestalt an. Die Signatur des Künstlers, die meiner Meinung nach in den Annalen der Kunstgeschichte erhalten bleiben sollte, ist deutlich sichtbar und wird zu einem untrennbaren Teil des Kunstwerks. Biography Manfred Loimer was born in Innsbruck in 1946. During his career as a freelance painter, he attended courses at the Innsbruck School of Painting, Technical School for Applied Painting and Art, and Permanent Painting and Drawing. He was a member of the association for the promotion of contemporary art. Loimer, driven by his technical painting system and his mannerist nature, lived artistically in a conflict between his psychic case and the thought apparatus of his brain, manifesting alternatively in the unconscious or the mental, carried by an incalculable dynamic. This conflict is what defines the vibrancy and graphic aesthetics of Loimer's paintings. Color, shape, line, and the artist's persona – his personal calligraphy – engage in an interdisciplinary interplay of forces, resulting in a whole that emerges and dissipates, leaving the art observer aware of a peculiar and incomprehensible world. Loimer primarily chose human subjects for his generous and powerful yet non-specific painting. His paintings thus become an allegory of profane existence. Loimer often wrote brief poems about his artwork. Manfred Loimer passed away on September 1, 1995. Biografie Manfred Loimer wurde 1946 in Innsbruck geboren. Während seiner Tätigkeit als freischaffender Maler besuchte er Kurse an der Malerschule Innsbruck, der Fachschule für Angewandte Malerei und Kunst sowie der Ständigen Mal- und Zeichenschule. Er war Mitglied im Verein zur Förderung zeitgenössischer Kunst. Loimer, getrieben von seinem technischen Malsystem und seiner manieristischen Natur, lebte künstlerisch in einem Konflikt zwischen seinem psychischen Fall und dem Denkapparat seines Gehirns, der sich abwechselnd im Unbewussten oder im Mentalen manifestierte und von einer unkalkulierbaren Dynamik getragen wurde. Dieser Konflikt macht die Lebendigkeit und grafische Ästhetik von Loimers Gemälden aus. Farbe, Form, Linie und die Person des Künstlers – seine persönliche Kalligraphie – treten in ein interdisziplinäres Zusammenspiel der Kräfte ein und ergeben ein Ganzes, das entsteht und sich auflöst und dem Kunstbeobachter eine eigenartige und unverständliche Welt vor Augen führt. Loimer wählte für seine großzügige und kraftvolle, aber unspezifische Malerei hauptsächlich menschliche Motive. Seine Bilder werden so zu einer Allegorie profaner Existenz. Loimer schrieb oft kurze Gedichte über seine Kunstwerke. Manfred Loimer verstarb am 1. September 1995.