Elio bajramaj

Elio bajramaj

About The Artist

Elio Bajramaj born 01/07/1979 in Durres,Albania. He studying art of painting. From 1993-1998 he studied “Jan Kukuzeli” high school. From 1999-2004 he studied “Academia delle Belle Arti di via Ripetta, Rome,Italy With professors Palumbo Scelza and Andrea Volo PERSONAL EXTENSIONS 1993 – His first personal extension at “The Galery of Art” in Durres, Albania. 2004 – Personal extension in “Ferraioli Palace”, (Piazza Colonna), Rome, Italy. 2005 – Anthological personal extension in the art studio “Pelicans 3”. 2006 – Personal extension in studio of art “Ripetta”, Rome, Italy 2007 – Personal extension at “Landesmuseum”, Klagenfurt”, in Austri. 2008 - Personal extension at “ Jozef Galery “ in ne Durres 2008 - Personal extension at “ Domeniko De Vito “ in Rome, Italy 2009 - Personal extension at “ Grafika Campioli Monterotondo Rome Italy COLLECTIVE EXTENSIONS 1995 – Exposure in “Spring Cllection” in “The Fine Arts Galery” in Tirana, Albania. 1996 – “Children helping children”, extended in Washington DC, Chicago, New York and Los Angeles, USA. 2002 – Expositions in the galeries “Perseo”, “Pelicans 3” and “New Source” in Rome, Italy. 2002 –Exposition in the Galery d’arte Contemporanea Superficiale,Fonte Nuova,Rome,Italy. 2003 – Exposition in the art galery “Pelicans 3”, Monterotondo, Rome, Itali. 2003 – Exposition in the Museo d’arte Contemporanea,Fonte Nuova. Rome Italy. 2004 – Exposition “Art 2004” in “Sala del Bramante Piaca del Popolo” (Public Column Square), Rome, Italy. 2004 – Exposition in the galeries “New Source” and “Odissea”, Rome, Italy. 2004 – Exposition in the Museo d’arte Contemporanea,Fonte Nuova. Rome Italy. 2005 – Exposition in Municipal Palace of Monterotondo, Rome, Italy. 2005 – Exposition in the Museo d’arte Contemporanea,Fonte Nuova. Rome Italy. 2006 – Exposition “Four Hands” in black and white ,in galery “Pelicans 3”, Monterotondo, Rome, Italy. 2007 – Exposition “ Mompea “ in Rome CATALOGUES AND PUBLICATIONS 1993 – “Albanian Newspaper”, Albania. 1993 – “Adriatik” newspaper, Albania. 1993 – “Teacher” newspaper, Albania. 1997 – Catalogue of the extension “Children helping children” in Chicago, USA. 2000 – Catalogue “City landscape” and catalogue “the commando police officers protection”. 2002 – Catalogue of “Contemporary art”. 2002 – Publications on the Eretino, Granchio, the Northeast Mondo, Sabina Newspaper, Italy. 2003 – Publication Critics Page of Buonasera newspaper. 2004 – Catalogue “Art 2004”, Rome, Italy. 2004 – Documentary exposition about Elio Bajramaj, organized by “Artist Association of Durres City”. 2005 – In the daily “Monitor” magazine in Albania 2006 – Publication on Critics Page of Eretino newspaper. 2007- Catalogue personal “ The art beyond ther borders and the winds “ 2008 – “ Koha e Jone” newspaper. Albania 2008 - Annuario d’arte moderna 2008 – “ Bulevard” newspaper. Albania 2008 – “ Korrieri “ newspaper. Albania 2008 - “ Tribuna” newspaper.Albania 2008 – “ Sot “ newspaper. Albania 2008 - “ Ballkan “ newspaper. Albania 2008 - “ Korrieri” newspaper. Albania 2008 – “ Standart “ newspaper.Albania 2008 – “ Zeri I Popullit “ newspaper.Albania 2008 - “ Shqip “ newspaper. Albania 2008 - “ Agon “ newspaper. Albania 2009 - Publication Museo d’ arte contemporanea 2009 - “ Il Opinione “ cultura newspaper. Rome Italy 2009 - “ In Citta “ Rome Italy 2009 - “Milosao “Gazeta Shqipetare, newspaper.Albania 2010- Annuario dell’arte Italiana, ART PAGES 2010 2010-2011 Internacional catalogue of Modern Art.MDS Prices and Reward 1999 – Reward “Termoli City”, in Termoli, Italia 2004 – Reward of Critics and public “Odissea Art”in order of participation to the competition in the Art Gallery Odissea”, Roma,Italy. 2011 - First prize artist,Yoo-art .Italia 2011- Second prize critical. Yoo-art .Italia