Bruno Castro Santos

Bruno Castro Santos

About The Artist

Bruno Castro Santos lived in the United States between 1990 and 1998 having completed a bachelor of architecture in the Southern California Institute of Architecture in Los Angeles. Subsequently, Bruno concluded his academic studies with a Masters Degree in Advanced Architecture Design from Columbia University, New York. Following a decade of architecture practice and teaching in Portugal, he gradually devoted himself to the fine arts, having completed in 2012 the Advanced Fine Arts Degree from Ar.Co. Since 2012 the artist has been showing his work collectively and individually in major galleries, institutional and cultural venues in Lisbon, Oporto and Málaga, Spain. In 2016 Castro Santos had his first international show with a selective group exhibition in the Malaga Contemporary Art Center in Spain. His work features in several institutional collections such as The Benetton Foundation, The Malaga Center for Contemporary Art, The Portuguese Republic Museum and other several private collections. He currently lives and works in Lisbon.