About The Artist

I've always loved art, DIPING AND DESIGN BY YOUNG I started with oil colors at the age of 12 I got this passion for art from my brothers that teenagers were much better than me technically, they have Took other roads I went on, I saw them and I painted very curious to observe the creations of faces, animals and comics. My mother noticed my stamina and after a conversation with a medium teacher (also a painter) convinced myself and bought me everything I needed to paint with oil. From a few months ago I did my own painting in my city (Needless to say that they were paintings of poor quality) .Terminate the middle I enrolled in the high school, the best of my class and one of the best in the school, I was selected to exhibit with other class students, a pencil copy (I think it was Rembrandt), which took place in large rooms of high school Mattia Preti Among the painters I liked at the time: Guttuso, Dali, De Chirico Magritte --- Today I like Ingres, Vermeer, Van Dick ----