S. P. Harper

S. P. Harper

About The Artist

S. P. Harper paints images of gemstones on recycled materials. What begins as a bit of refuse is repurposed, transforming base materials into noble objects. Focusing on the intersection of rummage rubbish and object d’art, showing how materials change from valuable to worthless and back to valuable again, the work explores layers and levels of reality. The surface first layer is a discarded scrap, formerly a door, made from wood, which originates from a tree. A photograph from a jewelry catalogue taken of a precious stone instigates the gem painting. An existing printed background partially disappears behind an acrylic wash as well as disappearing all together behind opaque oil paint rendering. Background recycled patterns appear and disappear through the transparent and reflective facets in the jewels. Diverse mediums such as wall lath and plaster rubble, tablecloths, discarded canvases and metal scraps are surface materials. By reforming and re-employing, the work fits into the Ecocentric Art Movement to reduce, reuse and recycle. Harper studied art at the American University in Paris, France with Paul Jenkins, the University of Southern California (Bachelor of Fine Art, summa cum laude) and advanced studies at ArtCenter in Pasadena, California. After spending 12 years in New York, Harper returned to Los Angeles to teach art and concentrate on Ecocentric Art. www.spharper.com