Ivan Djidjev

Ivan Djidjev

About The Artist

Exhibitions and working projects 1993 - The exhibition of oil painting at the Art College of Sliven - “Dimitar Dobrovich”- Gallery “Sirak Skitnik” Sliven, Bulgaria 1994 – Exhibition of oil painting at Gallery “May” Sliven, Bulgaria 1995 - Exhibition of oil, acrylic and drawings at The Home of National Arm – Sliven, Bulgaria 1995 – Exhibition of textile panels in Gallery “Shipka” Sofia, Bulgaria 1996 - Monumental sculpture situated at the Hotel ”IMPERIA” in Sliven, Bulgaria. 1997 - The exhibition of textile panels sand oil paintings at the National academy of art - Gallery “Shipka” Sofia, Bulgaria 2005 - Icon painting at the church of “Saint George”- Golqmo Chochoven, region Sliven, Bulgaria 2006 - Icon painting at the church of “Dormition of the Virgin”- Mladovo, region Sliven, Bulgaria 2007 - Icon painting at the church of “Saint Nicholas” Sliven, Bulgaria 2008 - Icon painting at the church of “Archangel Michael”- Zlati Vojvoda, region Sliven, Bulgaria 2002 - 2009 Executive director and owner of advertisement agency “Hamelion” 2010 - Commission for creating a gold leaf icon of St. Benedict, which was gifted to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI during His Holiness’ State Visit to Great Britain. This was in gratitude and respect for the recognition afforded by the Holy See to Ivan’s grandfather’s cousin, Fr. Pavel Djidjov, who was beatified and proclaimed a Martyr for the Faith by His Holiness Pope John Paul II on the occasion of His Holiness’ visit to Plovdiv, Bulgaria in 2002. This artwork is now in the Vatican Collection in Rome. 04-13 May 2011-The spiritual and visual treasures of Byzantine and Renaissance icons by Ivan Djidjev - St Mary - le - Bow, Cheapside, London, EC2V 6AU, UK http://www.stmarylebow.co.uk, http://ivandjidjev.com/st-mary-le-bow/#more-216 14. May 2011– Exhibition of icons at Chapel Royal of St Peter ad Vincula HM TOWER OF LONDON and at All Hallows by the Tower CELEBRATION OF THE EUCHARIST FOR THE SOLEMNITY OF THE TRANSLATION OF THE RELICS OF SAINT NICHOLAS OF BARI www.stnicholassociety.com www.sintnicolas.weebly.com http://ivandjidjev.com/chapel-of-st-peter-ad-vincula-hm-tower-of-london/#more-515 27. September – 02 October 2011 – Exhibition of icons, mosaics and drawings at the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria The Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria 186 - 188 Queen’s gate SW7 5HL Private View hosted by The Ambassador H.E. Mr Lyubomir Kyuchukov and with the Minister of Culture of Bulgaria H.E Mr Vezhdi Rashidov www.bulgarianembassy-london.org http://ivandjidjev.com/the-embassy-of-the-republic-of-bulgaria/#more-228 31. October– 04 November 2011 – Exhibition of icons and mosaics Orthodox Church in America 16th All American Council of the OCA in Seattle USA Exhibition of icon and mosaic works http://oca.org http://orthodoxnorthwest.wordpress.com http://ivandjidjev.com/orthodox-church-in-america/#more-276 03. December 2011 – Presentation of the icon of St Nicholas at Canterbury Cathedral St Nicholas Community Parade & Service An annual fundraising event that started with a parade through the Canterbury city culminating in the arrival of St Nicholas at the Cathedral. The Parade was followed by a short informal service. http://www.canterbury-cathedral.org http://ivandjidjev.com/canterbury-cathedral/#more-299 08. April 2012 – ‘Golden Egg of Life’- 2ft 6in (74cm) fiberglass egg One of the 200 large Easter eggs for the charity Faberge Big Egg Hunt. The Big Egg Hunt http://www.thebigegghunt.co.uk http://ivandjidjev.com/faberge-big-egg-hunt/ 27. February – 10 March 2013 – Exhibition Byzantine and Renaissance icons by Ivan Djidjev at St George’s Church Hanover Square, The Vestry, 2a Mill Street, London W1S 1FX www.stgeorgeshanoversquare.org 04. April 2016 – Unveiling and blessing of the Annunciation and Transfiguration icons commission for the alter of Charterhouse chapel by the Rt Revd and Rt Hon Dr Richard Chartres – Bishop of London. The Charterhouse is a Carthusian priory founded in 1371.It is one of the best preserved yet least known historic sites in London; an architectural gem incorporating fabric from the mid-fourteenth century to the turn of the twenty-first century. It is part of the English Heritage. 30. September - 14.October 2016 –Exhibition of Icons and Contemporary Mosaic St Andrew Holborn Crypt, London EC4A 3AF http://standrewholborn.org.uk/event/icons-and-contemporary-mosaics-exhibition/?instance_id=1944 04.11 - 06.11.2016 Icons and Contemporary Mosaics Exhibition in Wolfson College, University of Oxford, Oxford 13.01 – 27.01.2017 Icons and Contemporary Mosaics Exhibition at The Parish and Ward Church of St Botolph – without – Bishopsgate, London