About The Artist

BIOGRAPHY I am a self-taught painter. The passion for drawing manifested itself since my childhood. I started using oil at the age of 18. The starting point of my artistic path are the introspective experiences of adolescence. Through painting I tried to give voice to the chaotic turmoil full of unravelling intuitions and contradictions of adolescence. Between 1998 and 2002 I lived in El Salvador. This experience deeply influenced the evolution of my artistic path. Green is a mark of this period as well as blue is for the adolescence period. STATEMENT The search of Truth obsesses the life of many. But that same obsessing search distracts attention from the very object. Truth is all around us, Truth is right in front of our eyes and it manifests itself with Beauty: the Perfection of Nature. Therefore, if Art is to be a path toward the Truth, artists should be inherently concerned with Beauty. Artists do not create Art. Art is only in the Perfection of Nature. They perceive Art through Beauty and then translate it in their own CLEAR language, that we call art. Artists are translators. "Our language interpose itself between learning and the truth as a dusty glass, a deforming mirror. The Eden language was like clear window, through which a light of full comprehension flowed". (George Steiner, After Babel). "Beauty is truth, truth beauty, - that is all, Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know''. (John Keats)