camelia elena

camelia elena

About The Artist

i use one stroke as base tecnique,wet on wet . i mostly paint roses and birds cause they give me a sense of freedom and perfection.the rose embodies all the other flowers in nature . untill i decided wich style to choose i tried other techniques that did not bring alive that feeling of playfulness of colours and liberty of painting . since i was a child i loved to draw ,then i begin using the colours ,watter colours,tempera .in 2009 i heard about one stroke technique and i start learning all about it,followed by 5 years of study. i use high quality oils from rembrandt ,the white in the painting will mantain longer cause i use safflower oil ,that is transparent .and fine granned cotton canvases,cause they are smoother and i love when colours are flowin .for the pencils tintoretto sintetyc brush is the best for me . i find inspiration in nature ,i take alot of pictures and i love the sunlight touch.In almost all of my works I use purple, blue,indigo and I try to capture and put together all the colors of the rainbow in harmony. i admire alot of artists ,like hans zatzka,romero redondo ,daniel gerhartz and the master of this technique gary jenkins plans for the future.i paint because brings joy to the heart and release everything that words won't describe . in my paintings is not the subject that i choose to paint important but mostly the journey of the colour No great artist ever sees things as they really are. If he did, he would cease to be an artist. — Oscar Wilde , 0039/ 349 4678125.