Rose-Marie Winkler

Rose-Marie Winkler

About The Artist

Rose-Marie Winkler was born in 1956. The parents owned a small hotel in St. Veit on the Salzburg sun terrace. Rose-Marie spent many hours of her childhood in the dining room, mostly equipped with a sketchbook, drawing and painting was her great passion. It turned out well that many painters and artists belonged to Sonnhof's guest circle and liked to teach the little girl a little lesson. Friedensreich Hundertwasser, Ernst von Dombrowsky were their artistic foster fathers. She would have liked to take into account her creativity when choosing a career, but her father would rather see her in the hospitality. So she completed the hotel school and then a language school in France. Soon, however, she met her husband, Ernst Winkler, at that time one of the best ski racers of his time, when his ski career, ended by a heavy fall in Val d 'Isere, far too early, they took over the parental hotel. From then on, all her dedication was to the kitchen, and here, too, her creativity benefited her: the plates became her canvas! She soon made a hood and 2 stars. She was one of the very best cooks in Austria. Despite the many work as a hotelier and cook Rose-Marie always found time to paint: all the pictures in the hotel, the murals in the spa and the menus carried their handwriting. In autumn 2012, the Sonnhof was handed over to the fourth generation: Vitus Rose-Marie Winkler is now back to painting. Now Rose-Marie creates with her way of painting very special and idiosyncratic works that combine nature and art.