Victoria Velozo

Victoria Velozo

About The Artist

In her works, Victoria Velozo bridges reality and imagination- painting realistic elements of nature with overlays of contrasting collage and watercolour features. I hope to encourage a connection to the environment with the wild birds that bring life to the grassy plains. Artist Statement I create contemporary semi-abstracts. My style is quite unique as it combines two artistic styles. I have blended contemporary abstract oil painting with traditional realism water colour. I delight in combining these genres as I love the softness of the water colour in contrast to the vibrancy of the oil paint. I also enjoy the contrast of the Realism and Abstract movements. In this body of work I hope to encourage a connection to the environment. In their non- disturbed state grassy plains are magnificent, and vibrant parts of biological tapestry. Once covering vast tracts of the continent’s plains. The grassland are now among the most vulnerable and endangered habitats due to urbanization. I express the rugged beauty by focusing on the birds and animals that live in this environment. I include birds such as eagles, Crows and Ravens to bring energy and create interest and narrative although there is also an undertone of the to the smaller birds struggle. It has been observed that ravens will take I lighted twigs to start grassland fires to flush out small animals to hunt. Symbolism associated with the Raven can date back for centuries... The Raven is a symbol of intelligence and wisdom. People are growing aware of the need to protect our coral reefs, our forests and our grassland plains. Our environment is being discussed more and more, and I hope to stimulate care and concern for this beautiful habitat in this collection of works.