Michael Childs

Michael Childs

About The Artist

Born in Philadelphia over seventy years ago, I took up my father’s mantle of professional artist in 1994. Since then, I’ve exhibited and sold work across the United States from Pennsylvania to California and states in-between. My work has been shown at the Sausalito Fine Arts Festival, the Santa Barbara Arts and Crafts show, Utah Fine Arts show, sidewalk shows with Pacific Fine Arts, the Christmas KPFA show, so many and so long ago, I’ve forgotten many of them. The other mantle I took up was that of music, handed down by my mother an aspiring Classical pianist. I learned how to play the guitar in several different styles: Renaissance lute music, Classical, folk and pop, and played (and taught) professionally for many years. During some of that time, I studied Classical musical composition with the composer John Duffy. For over 40 years, I’ve been a professional woodworker, taking on commissions for homes, boats and stores. In between commissions, I manage to produce original pieces. My latest achievement is my writing, a slim volume of poetry, “An Alphabet of Ghazals” (pronounced guzzles) available through Lulu.com, a collection of 26 poems dedicated to the mystical view of love in the tradition of Rumi and Tagore. My visual art has received some accolades, my woodworking more so: 11 awards in nine years at the county and state level including 1st place in Woodworking at the 2008 California State Fair. and first prize at the 2014 Orange County Fair. A former denizen of Marin County in the San Francisco Bay area, I now live in South Pasadena with my wife.