Sobhan Khademi

Sobhan Khademi

About The Artist

Sobhan Khademiborazjani's biography I am a young artist and sculptor. I was born in 1985 and in Borazjan, a small southern city of Iran. My parents are elementary school teachers. It was at the age of eight when for the very first time I held a pencil in my hand and set it on the paper. My work amazed everyone and let them behold the gift and genius I had; the gift which grew stronger by passing of time. Yet my family just had too much problem themselves to pay enough care to my gift. I paid less attention to school and education, and my only request was to be left alone in a single and quiet room to draw. Others did not pay any attention to my art, but it wasn't important to me what they thought and instead of getting disappointed and watching my gift fade away, I got more and more skilled day after day. On the other hand my educational status was getting worse. By the age of ten, I got to the place where there was no longer anybody for me to compete with – even among the older artists of the town. I developed on my own and without any professor. I even sometimes surprised myself that how I was prospering like that. When I was ten, I got attracted to a caricature and practiced professionally at the age of ten. I worked with several magazines and depicted the problems of my society. In several occasions, I got the first prize in provincial tournaments. I loved caricature. By the age of twelve, I got interested in painting and drawing and I continued to progress acceptably when suddenly at the age of fourteen, I had huge pressures on my shoulders and had nobody to support me in my life. Because of my educational failures and the low esteem of others on the issue, I was immensely scorned. They did not see my artistic progress, and all their attention was focused on my educational problems. Then I got familiar with the mysteriously strange and beautiful world of drawing human bodies – the science and art of Figurative. That matter changed my life into a big, beautiful, and surprising world. I started to think and research along with drawing human bodies. The pass of days increased my interest in this subject until it reached its climax; I skipped school days so as to be able to spend more time drawing human bodies. I went to the places where workers worked so that I could sketch drawings from their beautiful bodies. Every time I saw a Beautiful body, I wept from joy. My intense feelings escaped to the world of beauty. My family had already lost hope of my successful education and future, but I continued my works with all the more zeal and conviction. Then my interest got more specific and narrowed and the science of anthropology and anatomy which had made me its lover. I drew the bodies of animals and observed the way the muscles and bones while they were walking or running. I even produced formulas of my own. Finance handicapped me from buying the proper tools I needed for my job; therefore, I had to make do with the least of tools I possessed. At the same time, I got interested in sculpture and used my sketches in sculpture. At the age of sixteen, I started sculpting on stone and even worked the smallest of details. Social problems and the lack of a proper workshop and tools were the problems to hinder my work, yet my hammer and chisel never seized to sound, and I continued my endeavor. I continued anatomy with more professionalism, and I went to the school of medicine to continue my research on human corpses. With the help of one of my friend doctors, I began to dissect human bodies and draw from them. I even attended the extended medical and scientific discussions on human anatomy. By then my family had noticed that opposition with my goals would not affect my endeavors and had begun to support and encourage me, and I continued my work with all the more precision. My hero is Michael Angelo – the Italian sculptor, and I continue to tell myself that the world will once again witness another genius. Hopeful to a birth future but facing many problem alongside with the pure love to sculpture and an Italian hero "Michel Angelo" trying to learn a good deal of Italian language as well. At first it was just a hobby and I couldn't convince myself to post it for the public opinion by participating in local, national and international challenge and competition but as the time went by I noticed that this is something can bring me satisfaction so I was looking for an opportunity to prove my talent to world around. I was 23 when I realized that the time has come, the time I was waiting for such a long time. Finally a competition was due to be held internationally and fortunately I have enough self-confidence to take part. It was whole stress because it my first time performing in a prestigious art event and renew it was normal. Artist should have created their work before the eyes of the judges that carried different nationalities. The elite young artists, many of them had already held exhibitions around the world and even had high rank. An hour before the competition begun… I was alone in a silent and empty place closed eyes talking to my lord begging him some help, I was crying the most suitable right place to show my abilities to my family. It started and we had four days ahead of us to implement what the judges have asked for since the day all of competitor gathered around me and looking at my work with wander and surprise, the couldn’t believe an armature very young boy like me could do it so professionally they had to call me the great talent and gifted for great future all the judges become, surprised as well. I won "The 15th international festival at visual arts for young artist 2008 Iran" I gift it to you my sole companion my frits and last. Now with clear conscious , full of emotions what make me cry when I am witnessing a dry leafed as it fall or the beauty of a little birds , I feel my search has come to an end for I found you after that competition I could achieve other successe. Among the other colleges from across the world, they always invite me to different global competition. sculptor Sobhan Khademiborazjani