BUDA Balazs

BUDA Balazs

About The Artist

The painter Balazs BUDA constantly trying to capture the "Beautiful"; and enter only the good in life. He finds it everywhere, in everything that surrounds him : people, nature, the environment ; and he shares it with his art. Born into a family of scientists, his interest quickly turned to the sciences of life and, early on, he felt the need to not only "study" this life, but express, embody and also make it speak. His Teacher Training of Fine Arts and Biology, clearly demonstrates that double will. He teaches both disciplines in schools in Hungary and France, then makes a break of a few years in the world of fashion in Paris. After this, he devoted himself entirely to painting. His works are painted with the traditional technique of oil painting. He grabbed all the well-known subjects, be it portraits, objects or landscapes, with a different look and a good touch of his own. These works are never part of a serie or sequence, because he considers each painting as unique, their realization requires a different approach. Creation is always a struggle of expression, but at the same time learning the technique and the intrinsic nature of things. Balazs Buda is at the origin of a technique, the Painting-Tapestry, which he himself invented and he's working on its development since 1990. This technique combines oil painting to the three-dimensionality of the textile. This attachment to "wire", textiles, embroidery, probably comes from his Hungarian origins, midway between the oriental glow and folk embroidery. He is constantly in search of new artistic challenges, both in the art, that in the expression itself. His works in oil evolve with ever wider palette, his mastery of the technique allows him to extend his subjects in new directions, when his Paintings of Tapestry offered him still unexploited prospects in contemporary art.