Bob Bennett

Bob Bennett

About The Artist

Bob Bennett grew up in Maine and New Hampshire, graduated from St Paul's School in Concord, N.H., in 1969... and then spent 20+ years in the Washington, D.C. area, before moving to California in 1992. He's been an advertising art director ('76-'81), and was working as a freelance architectural photographer ('81-'91), when he opened the pandora's box of photomontage in the early '80's. Since then, his work has been seen in a number of national publications, both 'on assignment' and as 'stock', and in galleries and competitive exhibits on both coasts. He currently divides his time between shooting film, gathering pixels, & photomontage printing (still done exclusively in a simple 'traditional'/chemical darkroom), ...and various digital work - including digital photo-illustration & montage, web graphics development, and high-end digital printing - in Marin County, CA. To see much more than is here, visit