aaron frater

aaron frater

About The Artist

I am a sculptor, and I have worked over the past 30 years in theatre and movies prop and set maker, tutor in community, and, disabilities / mental health art spaces. I am currently a mentor at The Learning Connexion creativity and art school, as well as actively making and exhibiting my art work. My work is assembled and carved sculpture, represented in private residences and community spaces around New Zealand. I have exhibited for nearly 30 years, having been part of group and solo shows in New Zealand, Japan, the US, and Australia. Along the way I have gained tertiary qualifications in art, craft, teaching, and comparative religions to B.A. Honours level, currently I’m involved in M.A. level study in museum and heritage studies. Statement of current practice: My current creative research is a lot about the material I use, and it’s potential in making iconic, symbolic, sign-like sculptures. The mesh is a barrier that separates safe space form unsafe space. In a way it is like cloth, separating a private space form the world at large. It is a liminal material, a barrier between one world and another. The material is a ubiquitous industrial safety product that proliferates in the building, demolition, and urban and suburban renewal of New Zealand at present. The signs and symbols that I have been exploring are of housing, containing, directing, dividing, and linking to the function of the material in its everyday function of being a safety barrier.