Tanisha Bhana

Tanisha Bhana

About The Artist

Some stories must be told, for their chronicle serves as a receipt of our legacy. Our sensory and intellectual perception may not always be fully attuned to all life experiences but sometimes, when latent voices are heard, the extensive human story unfolds, with the potential to unbolt our mindset and liberate us from collective paradigms. My artistic expressions are inspired by the desire to contribute towards the growth of a society which is unhibited by obsolete historical constraints and shared, fear-based conditioning; where all experience the freedom to explore their authentic dreams towards achieving our inherent potential. My hope is to articulate an original perspective with the adventurous possibility of enhancing our consciousness of certain social phenomena and persuading the questioning of paradigms or mindsets which sometimes hamper our access to innate dreams or our ability to fulfil them. While I resonate with the Symbolist genre of art, my work explores contemporary univeral themes, sometimes interspersed with ancient myths or beliefs, aiming to achieve artistic integrity through self reflection, but encompassing the potential for multi-faceted meanings to which the viewer can call upon from his/her own psyche. The intensity of the imagery aims to produce a visual feast while encouraging an open mind. Each piece expresses the latent voices and emotions of mortal beings whom I have come across in my life path, whose legacy must be chronicled. It is a celebration of the values of freedom of expression and the right to free opinion on matters affecting our universe, societal norms and social structures. In embracing our universal diversity, yet similarities, my work desires to surpass a merely empathetic response and guide the viewer, through reflection, to his/her sometimes subconcious spiritual and intellectual chasms, evoking behavioural shifts.