Anna Osiecka

Anna Osiecka

About The Artist

The leading themes in my paintings are spirals, whirlpools, cyclones and circles that symbolize transformations, roads, uncertainties, and at the same time are symbols of constancy and obviousness. They represent the spatio-temporal values ​​that are for me the axis of existence in the psychic and spiritual dimension. By painting a picture, I discover new internal and external territories, I get to know myself as well as the world that surrounds me. With each step grows the hope that I am getting closer to the "secret" that is hiding somewhere beyond the horizon. Life is a great unknown, we never know what awaits us next door. New challenges, obstacles and difficulties are interwoven with moments of respite and even shorter moments of happiness. That is also human nature, we are full of contradictions. Chaotic, and at the same time orderly, full of flaws and virtues, we have goodness and evil. There is no color without light, no light without darkness. We are complete with these opposites. In my paintings, therefore, I show my thoughts about the world and human nature. I ask questions about the future and the past. I use artistic language. Thanks to him, I can fully communicate with other people and their surroundings. I do this because I can not name what I see internally in words. Sending these thoughts to canvas is the only thing I can do to express them. ​ Anna Osiecka born in 1984 in Krakow, graduate of the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow with a master's degree in the field of painting. The artist is involved in abstract painting from the borderline of OP art, characterized by searching for harmony and balance in the combination of opposing colors and forms. Her paintings decorate collections in domestic and foreign collections. Exhibitions: ​ - From 15 - 24 November 2019. Participation in the II Krakow Salon of Art, organized by the F.A.I.T Foundation and Krakow Festival Office at the Palace of Arts, Plac Szczepański 4, Krakow - From October 10 to November 17, 2019. (Extended until December 15, 2019). Collective exhibition "Polish Geometry. Tradition and Contemporary Art" in the contemporary art museum Milan Dobeš Museum, ul. Ruská 2993, 703 00 Ostrava-Vítkovice, Czech Republic ​ - From June 14 to August 1, 2019. Author's exhibition "Harmony of Opposites" Organized by: the Wiele Sztuki Gallery with the patronage of the Patron of the Art-Capital of Estrada in the Restaurant - Galeria Fontanna ul. Rybaki 3, 00-221 Warsaw ​ - December 2018 - September 2019 Group exhibition "Art Walk" at Menduina Schneider Art Gallery, 366 West 7th Street, Los Angeles - San Pedro - California, USA ​ - From November 1 to November 30, 2018. Author's exhibition "Anna Osiecka Solo Show" at Menduina Schneider Art Gallery, 366 West 7th Street, Los Angeles - San Pedro - California, USA ​ - From March 9 to May 20, 2018 Participation in the II Review of Contemporary Art "New Awangarda". Distinction at the post-competition exhibition. Szyb Wilson Gallery. Katowice, ul. Liberation 1 - From 3 August to 5 September 2017 Author's exhibition "Zone of Silence" Krakow gallery RIO ul. St. Jana 2 ​ - From 19 June to 30 July 2015 Participation in the "Taboo" exhibition in Radom, ul. Traugutta 31/33 in Galeria Łaźnia ​ - From 4 to 6 June 2014 Participation in the "Herbarium" exhibition at the Otmuchów castle ​ - June 2011 Participation in the exhibition "Graphic Scores" Dwór Czeczów ​ - April 2011 Participation in the exhibition "Graphic Scores" Galeria Pauza ​ - March 2011 Participation in the workshop "Graphic scores" realized by the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow and the Krakow Music Academy ​ - 21 January to 15 February 2011 - "Rhythms and Rituals" Exhibition of the Works of students and PhD students at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, Department Painting, drawing workshop dr hab. Boguslawy Bortnik - Morajda and the Art Department of the Radom University of Technology (Museum of Contemporary Art - a branch of the Jacek Malczewski Museum in Radom. Dom Gąski, Dom Esterki, Rynek 4/5 ​ - June 2010 Participation in the exhibition of works of students of the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow "Afica, art and etnography" The Ethnographic Museum in Krakow of Seweryn Udziela in the drawing studio of Bogusława Bortnik – Morajda ​ - April 2010 The "My Space" competition project carried out at Pracownia nr. IV at the Faculty of Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow - participation in the exhibition Florianska Gallery 22