Olga Baryshnikova

Olga Baryshnikova

About The Artist

Welcome to my page. Let the viewing of paintings bring you the sense of completion and evenness. Let’s get acquainted. My name Olga Baryshnikova. I was born and raised in Mariupol, Ukraine.My paintings are a kind of therapy. Therapy consists in harmonizing the mental state through colors and images, which gives faith and adds color to life. The purpose of my art is to give positive emotions, open people's hearts, serenity, inspiration, self-knowledge. I participate in various exhibitions to show people the side of joy and happiness through. Through my paintings, I raise important questions about self-knowledge, love, the climate change in the nature and the strength of the human spirit. 2023 Aestheticamag London issue Audust/September2023 2023 Bruxelle Art Vue Foundation Yearly Prize 2022 Bruxelle 2023 Transformative Power Of Art Journal California 2023 Art Climate 2030 Sweden 2023 Climate Art Collection Www.climateartcollection.com Berlin 2022 Vogue | 4Th Edition Boomer Gallery london 2021 Colors Of Humanity Art Gallery