About The Artist

www.maiaoprea.ro http://maiastefanaoprea.wordpress.com I am a young Romanian artist, currently living and working in Inotesti, Romania. I have a BFA in Painting from the Bucharest National Arts University, and I also pursued temporary fine arts studies at the Savannah College of Art and Design (GA,USA) followed by an Erasmus at the Ecole d'Art de Grenoble (France). I follow the metamorphosis of my own creative self into very different appearances. In a state of infinitely extended perplexity, I wait for the production of the next rupture that will --again-- allow me to discover another inner self. An inner self gifted with an inexhaustable capacity of renewal. Over the years I have undertaken projects in many different medias and techniques (such as video art, photography, graphic arts, sound art, art in public spaces), but I am nevertheless committed to creating and revealing spaces between opposition and cohesion within painting, drawing and sculpture. My paintings are usually the result of a fiery war, which I attend as an active spectator, and of the countless transformations occurring during work. What I often propose myself is almost meant not to reach a purpose. The importance lies in the creative process, but I must admit that my work is just as much about the finished product. The purpose behind my latest artwork –which is turning more and more abstract -- is to explore the expressive properties of paint and other materials through mostly physical and poetic processes, turning them into something edged with spirit. I use very diverse materials, ranging from pencil, charcoal, pastels, tempera, gouache, acrylics, oils, to modelling clay, textiles, wood and metal .Aiming for a spiritual experience, my painting is governed by feeling, asking from the viewer as much intensity of inner life as I submit myself.