Donna hunter

Donna hunter

About The Artist

The collection of hearts I've created has been collaborated by a number of personal traumatic events in my life. Ranging from domestic abuse to loss of family loved ones. This resulted in the development of heightened emotions anxiety depression this impacted on my physical health and having a brain and spinal cord injury from a virus 12 years ago now. I've always felt a feeling of being controlled mentally I think that steamed from being a victim of domestic violence and mental abuse. I am also a very empathetic person. I care deeply about mother Earth and the impact climate change is having on her. I am also a very empathetic person and I care deeply about mother Earth and the impact climate change is having on her. As I started to draw for the 1st time since my school days I started to feel a release of emotions that started to connect with climate changes and natural disaster on Earth I started to feel able to talk about the very deep rooted darkness that resided within. After unsuccessful attempts at different therapies I could never feel safe enough to speak about it to any other person. As I continued my drawings a deep sense of release And peace came over me. I come to know that the peace came because I was able to talk through my art and let it speak throgh itself. I felt free from being judged or criticised or have any other persons opinions about my feelings and made to feel its wrong in some way. I could finally speak freely without holding back. Expressing myself and getting these emotions of years of pain, anguish and torment of pain out onto paper it became a therapy and my journey began to unfold. I came to discover that the natural disasters that happen on Earth are the same emotions felt within our own hearts and that we are more connected to mother Earth than we realise . Each and every person has felt one of these natural disasters at some point in there lives within there own hearts. Be gentle and kind to each other and to mother Earth life is too short. May peace and blessings be upon you all and may your life journey continue with ease as you heal yourself.