Tristano Casarotto

Tristano Casarotto

About The Artist

CASAROTTO’S REDISCOVERED FRESCOES Tristano Casarotto was born in Rosà, a small, town near Vicenza, Italy, in june of 1946. A former Middle School teacher; he is now dedicated solely to the arts. Tristano Casarotto belongs to “Il gruppo Artisti Comunità Montana del Brenta”. Literally translated “Artists Group of the Mountain Community of Brenta”. He has organized and promoted numerous painting exhibitions and contest boasting national character for years. He also taken part in international exhibitions acquiring prestigious awards and valuable recognition. His paintings are currently exhibited in both private and public collections throught Italy and western Europe. United States and south America. His art is centered around the intricate technique of the fresco. A method toward which Casarotto has devoted a great deal of research. Below some comments about Casarotto ‘ work - Tristano Casarotto give impressions of past and present. - Tristano Casarotto , the talented painter from Vicenza, brings forth an artistic discourse of the past, coupled with a vision of his soul and personal memory. -His art shows medieval villages, villas and countrysides, scenes representative of a time lost forever. - A harmony of the romantic Venetian land is brought back to us in the form of the fresco. His heart and paintbrush work together in reviving the romanticism felt from the medieval period up the Renaissance, employing the basic images of castles, churches, peasantry and chivalry. - Casarotto’s frescoes give a visual document, a tangible expression of the fantasy and genius of Europe’s truly rich history. - The essence of time lingers in the fresco of Tristano Casarotto. - In each painting the soft light and flowing colour shemes matched with moving images tells a story. - The delicate and meaningful atmosphere apparent in Tristano’s work secures a subtle mystery that distinguished the style of this artist. - Emerging from torn walls are the rediscovered fresoes….sheer elegance. - Casarotto paints images woven with tales ereted from fragments and parts much like “rips”from facades of noble palaces. - The clipped walls echoes’ history and passed time. The echo of Italian land full of feelings and thought. - We ask the politicians to “ameliorate reality, most are unable. Of the artists we pray reality to be “recreated”, few can do this. Casarotto, with his frescoes on canvas is among this few. The reality he suggests is subtle, almost unreal. For this we thank him. - He expresses the landscape of the soul. Tristano Casarotto has been featured in the “International Catalog of Contemporary Art” since 1991 Elenco Primi premi 1°premio-Concorso Nazionale “Alle Barche” Vicenza 1°premio-Concorso Fer-europa Cittadella (PD) 1°premio-Concorso nazionale “La Pedemontana”Piancavallo (PN) 1°premio-Concorso nazionale “Rubbi” Vicenza 1°premio-Concorso nazionale Comune di San Nazario (VI) 1°premio-Concorso nazionale “Morandi”Noale (VE) 1°premio-Concorso Nazionale Comune di Paese (TV) 1°premio-Concorso “2carrara” Carrara san Giorgio (PD) 1°premio-Concorso Comune di Carbonera (TV) 1°premio-Concorso “Artigiano in cornice” Piazzola S/B (PD) 1°premio-Concorso nazionale Comune di Alfedena (AQ) 1°premio-Concorso “EcoGarden” Castel di Sangro (AQ) 1°premio-Concorso nazionale Comune di Rugliano (VI) 1°premio-Concorso nazionale Cupra Marittima (AP) 1°premio-Concorso ext. Comune di Appianano del T. (AP) 1°premio-Concorso ext. Comune di Montefalcone(AP) 1°premio-Concorso nazionale “Città di Nardò” (LE) 1°premio-Concorso nazionale Castelnovo sui Monti (RE) 1°premio-Concorso nazionale Comune di Tenno (TN) 1°premio-Concorso nazionale San Polo d’Enza (RE) 1°premio-Concorso nazionale Comune di Mezzane(VR) 1°premio-Concorso nazionale Comune di Cavasso Nuovo(PN) 1°premio-Concorso nazionale Comune di sacile(PN) 1°premio-Concorso “La Carica” Comune di Pastrengo(VR) 1°premio-Concorso Comune di Costermano(VR) 1°premio-Concorso comune di Costa di Rovigo Opere in permanenza all’estero GERMANIA - Essen CM arte contemporanea FRANCIA -Lione Art contemporain Sandrelle CALIFORNIA (USA)-San Josè Art Gallery Grace Cagnetti OREGON (USA) -Ashland Spazio espositivo “Il Giardino Italiano” VENEZUELA -Mucuchies-Merida Castillo San Ignacio UCRAINA - Doniesk Palazzo Pubblico ARGENTINA -Santa Fè Museo d’Arte Contemporanea TAILANDIA - Bangkok C.V.N. art center TAILANDIA -Hua Hin Spazio espositivo “La Villa” Nominato Cavaliere Accademico (dall’Ordine Accademico Internazionale “Greci Marino” del Verbano). Inserito nei volumi: C,A.T. 1989 censimento artisti veneti-ed. Arte Triveneta; Arte Oggi 1990 ed.Cidac; Catalogo Internazionale d’arte contemporanea 1991 ed.Alba; L’Elite selezione arte italiana 92-96-98.