Zdene Flerin

Zdene Flerin

About The Artist

Zdene Flerin is a contemporary artist from Slovenia. His medium of choice is oil on canvas. He has developed a unique oil painting 3D technique with distinctive sharp lines, that are empowering Zdene to paint a tribute to life and to transpose all its emotions onto canvas. His art is a quest for balance and harmony. Through his use of rich, contrasting colours and bold lines, Zdene portrays complex human emotions onto canvas to provoke thought and inspire harmony. Zdene draws inspiration from the works of Gerhard Richter and has been perfecting his unique oil-painting technique over the past 12 years, although his passion for art originates from his childhood. »Life is an emotional rollercoaster; a colourful masterpiece of rich, diverse, and deep emotions. I paint these emotions as a harmony of colourful stripes, that are enriched with delight or sorrow, and everything in between. «