Artwork Description

Doors of Yucatán

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Historicly we says many things about the "doors" with a lot of mysticism, always symbolized with the gate of human greatness as: haven's doors, mind's doors, perception doors and others, all of them full of energy and power. This is why at firts I start to discover them for it's artistic aspect, and them realizing how important are in our lives. They protect us from the outside and keep´s ours inside part, our secrets, they are also the threshold that when we cross it, we change from one reallity to an other, is there where the magic ocurrs. But even with all it greatness the Doors can not works for it self, they need the "Hinge" it wont move without it, is small and insignificant, nobody talks about it, but is the one to make the Doors able to become one, they complement one to each other. And for clousing this trilogy we have "The key", simbol of power, we all have one at lest, attach to us all the time, when we miss it we go on panic. The key give us the capacity of access and blocking, opening and closing our own lives...

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