by Diane Destiny

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RAGS bring memories of cloth diapers, worn thin, used to polish glass, T-shirts, logos faded, armpits full of holes, turned into dusters. Flannel shirts, buttons torn off, were better than white dressy ones that starch had made too scratchy. Rags bring history. A drummer marched beside his flag, his head bound up. Soldiers, wearing blue or gray, used tourniquets to stop the flowing blood. Housebound women braided rags into rugs for every colonial room. Living brings me worn out sheets, pillow cases, stringy towels. I pile them against a leaking window to hold back cold rain water, use them to wipe up spills, clean the floor of dirt or muddy tracks. After years of use a rag will fall apart, and I give up a memory, a shred of life. By Joyce Stein

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