Diane Stacey

Diane Stacey

About The Artist

I live by the ocean in a small town that has a very spirtual center, where people from all over the world come and visit and to fine innnter joy and peace, I feel blessed that some how I ended up here, this was not in my plans, for before that I was living in San Francisco, learning lots of things about how to do differnt things with creating art, print making, clay, painting, I was already a painter before I moved to SF, but the best way to meet people is to take a class and move into the flow, so I joined Fort Mason for classes and made great friends and some ok art, then I went to SFAI but the cost being so high I just took a few classes as I went, I also at this time had a studio out at Hunter's Point where almost 300 artists had studios, the work I liked the best usualy was done by grads from SFAI, so this is why I decided to take a few classes to hone up my skills..from there I got into writting for the school paper, not sure why that happend, but if my Mother had not come down with Cancer and decided she wanted to leave the earth,and I had to come back to S.Ca to take care of my father I would of happly stayed up there, with such wonderful artists and life styles and as I use to say never a dull moment, you just walk out side and something or someone would be happening, no time for depression or sadness only wonder over how crazed that city was with its hum and music inside that would burst out at odd moments, sure lots of tourists milling around but one could walk around the crowds and get on with the pluse of the drama of the city..so now here I am in this super quiet reflectiive place with no where to go but inward, guess its keeping me healthy, no cravings for lattes and pastas., so guess in away the death of my Mother,she never got old enought to even have gray hair.. was a blessing in a way..only if one accpets life, as it is can one try to stay sane, so now my studio is behind my home no more wild bus trips threw the projects with small kids geting on the bus carring guns, just a nice walk outside to a nice over stuffed studio where I work, no more drop in visits from Artist friends from all over the world from the Point, just a randon friend here and there to share something , so its bland yet safe, for now, at least I love the ocean and this is close..so there is some breathing air even if the population for my soul is abit changed..