K. Lawrence Leveque

K. Lawrence Leveque

About The Artist

'I paint the poetic landscape where field meets stream, forest touches sky, and prairie runs to the ocean. Good people work their land and love their homes. The weather has many moods. Its power and beauty command our attention. Great storms and gentle rain help shape the land. Nature has a story to tell to those who will listen.' 'I find beauty in the most ordinary things and find magic in the often overlooked details. The world around me defines who I am as an artist. I am constantly inspired by the beauty of creation, giving me an insatiable urge to paint. Places evoke memories. Sounds and smells unlock doors to forgotten places. The textures of nature touch the soul and awaken feelings and thoughts that fill our lives with meaning.' 'The poetically-painted landscape captures bits and pieces of this magnificent panorama. My work represents this abiding urge to connect and convey every aspect of God's awesome creation. I strive to create a timeless place in my art. My mission is to paint all that is beautiful.'