fine line

Tom Acevedo, Tom Acevedo,

OCTOBER 29, 2012

man its a fine line or a balancing line not only between working as a decorative painter , and painting fine art but getting your self out there and this is one example. Hubris and ego v.s. doing whats put in front of you to the best of your ability . am i spinning my wheels . am i looking for a ego boost . or am i making some head way . i loose track of what ive entered , how often , what show and what pieces . so am i here , wasting time hugs T

the male nude gallery in Ptown

Tom Acevedo, Tom Acevedo,

OCTOBER 02, 2012

The Lyman - Eyer Gallery In Provincetown Aa has been kind enough to represent me this past year , and has announce that they are having a 15% off sale on all purchases . Please take some time to visti the site or in person at 432 commercial street Provincetown Ma