Eldad Pnini

Eldad Pnini

About The Artist

Eldad Pnini's works, which express passion, sexuality, fear, fantasy, religious and metaphysical feelings, are exhibited in a controversial exhibition "Intimate Dreams". The exhibition is not provocative but rather an aperture on a compelling and rich sub-conscious world. Amongst the works presented in the exhibition: staged artistic photographic works with nude models integrated with urban nature, nudity in archetypal, historical and artistic contingencies in the history of mankind, via prisms which are passed down and elaborated upon from generation to generation. The works reflect nature alongside progress, love as opposed to fear, and purity in contrast to cruelty, which are all expressed in different and varied ways throughout the whole exhibition. All the works are "Untitled", as only thus each individual can interpret Pnini's works according to his or her own private world of fear, passion, desires, traumas and fantasies. Eldad Pnini, a graduate of Avni School of Art, began studying art at an early age, when he studied drawing and painting for youngsters at Tel Aviv Museum. At Avni, he studied drawing and painting, and later went on to study graphic design. He now applies all he learnt to his photography, the camera and model are his tools - his brushes, and this can be felt in his figurative and colourful works.