About The Artist

Min Ja Lah was born in Seoul, South Korea. She graduated from Seoul's prestigious Ewha Women’s University with a bachelor of arts in fine arts. Determined to understand the exciting art world in America, she obtained her master of sciences degree in art at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. It was at Madison where she began to actively compete in art competitions and began to exhibit throughout the city. Min Ja has been featured in numerous one-person shows throughout the Chicago area. In 1996, she was featured on Korean television networks for her work in a one-person show. She has since exhibited dozens of times in one-person shows in a variety of venues, including private facilities and financial institutions, suburban commerce of chamber locations, and public gathering spaces. Min Ja is published as one of the featured artists in “The Chicago Art Scene.” Earlier this year, she was published in Art & Beyond Publications. Min Ja also shows her art in California. The Marin Society of Artists accepted two pieces in their competitive fall show. The Marin group is currently renting her pieces. Min Ja is the proud mother of two adult children, an attorney and a news reporter. She lives in Schaumburg, IL and works on her art everyday.