About The Artist

Tony Hertz has over 35 years of professional photography experience with 10 years of it as a daily newspaper photographer. He's photographed U.S. Presidents, the Queen of England, Pope Paul, celebrities, musicians, famous sports figures and covered major news and community events. While working as a photojournalist it helped refine his compositional instincts. Then he turned to focus mainly on landscape and nature subjects for personal and fine art photography work. Tony has been recognized with top awards for his landscape photographs in the Sony World Photography Awards, International Photography Awards, PX3 (France), Camera USA, Black and White Spider and many more. His black and white landscape images have been published in Silvershotz, Black and White Magazine and Outdoor Photographer Magazine. Some of the major magazines and newspapers his general work has been published in: Time Magazine, Los Angeles Times, New York Times Magazine, USA Today, National Geographic WORLD, Sunset Magazine, New York Times, Chicago Tribune, San Francisco Chronicle and the Christian Science Monitor. He's also worked with major industrial and advertising clients ranging from the Cotton Board, Chevron and Zenith Watches. Tony divides his time shooting in the field, editing images and working as an adjunct photography instructor teaching the wet traditional darkroom and digital photography at Cuesta College Fine Arts Department in San Luis Obispo, CA.