Anne Jensen

Anne Jensen

About The Artist

My website: Growing up in Norway influenced my world view and training, with European art as the original point of reference. Today, American art plays a greater role in what I do. When I took an abstract class at the Glassell School of Art in 2012, my style moved in a far more liberated, conceptual direction. I’m fascinated by color and light – the qualities of each individually, how light affects color, how color affects light. The interplay and changing state of the two create some amazing outcomes. I try not to think too much when I paint, instead letting my subconscious speak. It makes the exploration of colors and light a more organic experience. I work mainly in acrylics, sometimes using diferent kinds of mediums and pastels. Working on multiple paintings at one time pushes the paintings forward. Each series has a theme, like the "garden series" which is about my garden surrounding the cabin I had in Norway or my new "red series" which examines aspects of red. I’m always exploring how to mix and use paint, with a preference for strong colors. It’s exciting when people react to and get something out of my work. It doesn't have to be what I had in mind when painting it – in fact, it’s wonderful when others ?nd things in my paintings I didn’t see. Since I don't like to tell people what to look for, you won’t see big titles on my work.