Gioia Aloisi and Monica Gorini

Gioia Aloisi and Monica Gorini

About The Artist

Gioia Aloisi and Monica Gorini Interested in arts and photography from a long time, they’ve opened a centre of arts, culture and creativity where they develop researches and puts into dialogue forms images by using different art languages, twisting them. They give life to large photograph experience, videoarts, installations and multisensorial performances in Italy and foreign countries. By using poetry, photography, painting, sculpture and videoart they watch reality with a particolar attention to all that seems different, invisibile, to everything that is “lost” from eyes. Their eyes go “beyond” to the possibility of reading energies, beautyness and extraordinary strenghts to share with people. They win a lot of competitions in contemporary arts and photography. They Cooperate with: Art beyond sight (New York), Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, The chair of intercultural Pedagogy of the state of Milan Bicocca – University Ca’ Foscari Venice, OPPI Milan, the Italian Blind Union UICI Milan, Aforisma, CSA Milan, Novotono, Scarlattine Theatre Milan, Quartet Project Milan, Martesana Quartet Milan. They have also won some international awards photography, painting, graphics and video. They received , in 2011, the first prize at the prestigious International photo contest: 6th Black & White Spider Awards in the category Abstract.