About The Artist

John Franzen was born in 1981 in Aachen, GER. He has a BFA form the Academy of Fine Arts in Maastricht, NL. Working in various disciplines and materials, he focuses on the translation of complex concepts and structures often inspired by his observations of the inner and outer natural world. Artist statement: I understand an artist as an scientist, priest and mystic. His creation is a ritual and model swell. Art is about creation. It is about being born, creating, growing, transferring, transforming and dying. This is the topic and the motif. What ensouled the universe, the elements, the spirits and matter? Which force enlivens us? Flows through us? Surrounds us? People call it god, great spirit, Higgs field or dark matter. As an artist, I am focussing mainly on myself as the source, through empathizing directly throughout and within it by creating art itself. My artwork is about the inner worldly transcendence. I am striving for the origin, the truth and the source as an human-universe-executer universe energy.