Alan Taylor Jeffries

Alan Taylor Jeffries

About The Artist

Although I have had a lifelong interest in art, I only started to paint in 2008. I am self-taught. My work is influenced by traditional Abstract Expressionism and Neo-expressionism. I work primarily in oils but frequently in other media. I agree with the critic who once said that a painting does not have to be "about" anything other than the process of its own creation. I am also guided by two quotes. The first is from Jean-Michel Basquiat: “I start a picture and I finish it. I don’t think about art while I work. I try to think about life.” The second is from Chuck Close: " Inspiration is for amateurs; the rest of us just show up and get to work." I never begin with a plan or image in mind. I simply start applying paint to a canvas until something interesting happens. Then that “something” suggests the next thing, and the next, and so on. At some point I may start making marks on it. If I add text, it may just be a word or phrase I hear from music or TV or just something that pops into my head. I never know what the finished product will be until it is finished. Currently I am represented by The George Gallery, 50 Bogard St., Charleston, South Carolina, USA. I will be showing there as of October 11th, 2013. I have also participated in three group shows: Sept. 2009—"Emerging Artists" group exhibition, Artworks Around Town, Wheeling, West Virginia, USA Jan. 12-Feb. 25 2012—"Collective Conscious: Unified Planes" group exhibition, Gate Gallery, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, England May 1-July 2 2013--"Dali Through the Window" group exhibition, Gallery J2, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA