Cliff Kearns

Cliff Kearns

About The Artist

Kearns has spent this past ten years creating contemporary abstract paintings which attempt to express visually his reflective and unique view on life and art. ‘My art is becoming more about the incorporation and integration of sequential numbering and sometimes the word ‘IMAGE’ into each painting and/or construction. As an artist, I feel moved to make a visual ‘image’... and most aspects of our lives involve, are effected and affected by numbers - in time, measure, amount, distance, and score. License Number, telephone number, que number, and social insurance number all play into our life’s formation. They, at timesunfortunately, dictate our direction and worth. Life Can Become a Numbers Game’. And while his work might be designated contemporary abstract expressionism, it reveals as it’s subject enough of it’s own ID number to warrant a closer look and perhaps be more appropriately labelled, cerebral emotional expressionism. The work is saying, ‘We’re not just pretty pictures. There is something worth thinking about here’. Kearns has been drawing, painting and making art of one kind or another for as long as he can remember. This transition to self expression comes after a successful and formidable career producing realistic private/corporate art commissions, portraits and freelance illustration projects.