Alexander Ganelin

Alexander Ganelin

About The Artist

Alexander Ganelin Curriculum Vitae Born in Moscow in 1957 Education: 1993 Course of six months in the Bezalel Academy of Art and Design by guidance of Prof. Ziona Shimshi. Jerusalem 1992 Course of Computer Graphic Designs. Tel Aviv 1974-1980 Academy of Cinematography (VGIK), Faculty of Art. Moscow 1972-1976 Private studio of Art by guidance of Nicolai Dregalin. Moscow 1972-1973 Architectural School. Moscow 1964-1974 The First Art School, Faculty of Graphic and Painting. Moscow Selected exhibitions: 2009-2013 Haliya Art Gallery, Montreal, Canada 2003-2013 Permanent exhibition in Studio-Gallery Mansohn House, Old city of Jaffa 2001-2005 Tevel Art Gallery, Montreal, Canada 1999 Boca Raton, Caesarea Gallery, Florida, USA 1990-1991 Group Exhibition Series of Russian artists in towns of Germany (Marburg, Kassel, Neustädt, Kirchhain, Beitziesdorf, Cölber, Grebenstein) 1990 Jewish Art Exhibition in private gallery, NY, USA 1990 Exhibition Russian Contemporary Art in Ludlow, Dinham House, England 1989 Exhibition Paintings from Russia, The Arts Club, London, England 1987-1988 Exhibition of Russian Artists in India, as part of USSR Festival in India 1986 National Exhibition of young artists in Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow 1986 Series of Exhibitions of Russian Artists in Morocco 1985 Series of Exhibitions of Russian Artists, Warsaw, Poland 1982-1990 Annual Permanent Exhibitions, Moscow, Russia 1980 National Exhibition, Kiev, Ukraine Collections: Art Academy, Moscow Museum of Revolution, Moscow Association of Russian Artists, Moscow Municipal Museum, Marinovka, Kazakhstan Municipal Museum, Norylsk, Russia Collection of Angelika and Uwe Eller, Germany Collection of Mr. Albert Hakim, Canada Collection of the Russian Cultural Centre, Tel Aviv Collection of Mr. Morris Kahn, Israel