David Munroe

David Munroe

About The Artist

I always wanted to be an artist and to be able to use my ideas and creativity in different ways. I was born and grew up in Glasgow, Scotland and have been drawing and sketching for as long as i can remember, I was always that kid as school that everyone would come to when they wanted something drawn or painted and i loved anything to do with art then as much as i do now. After finishing my studies in Art I decided that Abstract painting was something I would like to work on and spend time exploring the creative possibilities. My Abstract Art Series is heavily influenced by nature and the environment and focuses on trying to show the beauty found in the everyday and overlooked world we live in. Paintings from my Industrial Series are created with a large assortment of materials that i have experimented with over the years and are manipulated using extreme temperatures to create striking and complex paintings that show the raw beauty that exists in the environment from where they were inspired. The Introduction of extreme heat and cold temperatures to manipulate the materials is a brand new technique that i have developed and something that brings very interesting results.It can lead to some of the most striking paintings that i have been able to create so far. Using out of the box approaches to Industrial Art can lead to such unexpected beauty. http://www,davidmunroeart.com