by Veronika Ban

Artwork Description

About Money..

0.0 x 0.0

Money has to circle! Collage painting made with napkins and toilet paper with printed money on it, glue, acrylic colors, charcoal, crayons and varnish on canvas. 100x100x3cm Berlin, August 2013. This collage painting is symbolically representing the idea about how using money in our society. I believe we should use money for exchanging and creating in our lives. Human being is the only species in the world, which needs money for existing. It is strange, but understandable. But what is a paradox is that human being is using money also for destroying this world and ourselves. Somehow this artwork should remind us to use money for better construction and freedom in our society, and not for keeping it somewhere hidden or destroying others with it´s power. But maybe all this idea is just a dream in the clouds; maybe we already lost our control and real dignity, because money is now just a tool for having power in this life? Are we controlling our money or are we controlled by our money? Every person is a brick, which can decide how to use his/her money, either for creation or destruction.

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