by William Waggoner

Artwork Description

Empathy Is Forever

30.0 x 30.0 inches

I tend to fall for empathic women, most likely because they have many of the qualities I don’t: they’re kind, caring, thoughtful, and willing to put the welfare of others before their own without hesitation. Not that I completely lack those traits, but they’re way down near the bottom of the list—most people would say I’m funny, creative and unusually multi-talented long before they got to sympathetic and compassionate. Understanding an empath’s thought process is difficult for me, though, which when you’re attracted to them can make their behavior both frustrating and baffling. But I’ve found if I interpret how they think with an extreme analogy (such as “Would you kill a friend if it meant protecting yourself and your family?”), I can get some insight into why something that seems like a no-brainer to me can be an agonizing decision for them. This has been a difficult concept for me to truly put into action, and even a year after having this realization I can still find myself bewildered by empaths’ actions.

Artwork Details

Medium: Painting Acrylic

Genre: Pop Art